About Miriam
Most people call me a business psychologist or a coach. Driven by the belief that it is possible to be happy and successful at the same time, I started shadowing consultants as a teenager to learn how. After finishing my undergrad and spending 5 years living in Spain, I stalked my favorite consulting company until they hired me. There I worked with teams and top-level executives at JetBlue, Clorox, Morgan Stanley, Nintendo, the Department of Defense and the Nature Conservancy, to name a few.
In 2008 my whole world was flipped upside down. Within a couple months my Mom passed away unexpectedly and I went through a divorce. Once the dust started to settle I began to see things more clearly. Of all of the companies I had worked with, the only ones with lasting change had motivated people at the top modeling how to do things differently. Unfortunately, it was rare to find these driven leaders and many cultural change efforts did not succeed.
I had a new mission. In 2010 (Master’s Degree + Coaching Certificate in hand) I opened my private practice working exclusively with ambitious executives and entrepreneurs. This has led me to work with the leaders of start-ups across the globe and witness the magic that unfolds when people claim their potential.