One Question can Change Your Life

There is a question that I ask myself almost every day… “How can I be even more comfortable?”
Seriously, I’m being honest. And you’ve got to ask yourself the same question. So, do it now, ask yourself… How Can I Be Even More Comfortable?
Yes, You.
Right now.
Is there something you can do to adjust the way you are sitting (or standing)? Is there any way you can adjust your clothes? Do you need to take a deep breath? Is there a text or email that you can send to get something off of your mind?
I have come to believe that asking this question throughout each day is an essential tool in learning how to take care of oneself. It leads to being present. The question itself invites checking in to current-state well-being. And over time, patterns emerge.
I have learned what clothes will lead to me feeling comfortable all day.
It is not the fleece sweatpants you may have guessed. It turns out that for me to feel comfortable I am wearing clothes that feel good (fabric, fit, weight, warmth, etc.) and also are a match for my mood. If I want to feel extra smart, professional, casual, older, younger, or anything else…making a choice that aligns with my commitments and circumstances sets me up to feel at ease throughout the day.
Another version of the same question is “How can I feel even more engaged?”.
Both of these will point to the minor tweaks that can be made that will lead to me feeling more present and being more effective. Once I began to practice this habit daily, I began to notice that being more “comfortable” also means feeling prepared, feeling rested, having enough food and water, feeling physically strong (going to the gym helps with that) and so on…this one question helps me design a whole life oriented towards what some would call ‘self care.
For me this goes beyond self care, it is tapping into all of the choices that allow me to be present, think clearly and bring my best self to the person/people in front of me. In other words, this one question has slowly trained me to develop habits that support me in feeling how I want to feel at any given moment.
How can YOU be even more comfortable right now?