What are you hoping the future will hold?

What are you longing for?
Take a moment and allow yourself to dive into optimism about your future (while remembering the constraints of physics and other realities of the planet Earth). Focusing on the positive only, how do you hope you will be able to finish these sentence-stems a year from now?
— Physically, I am…
— I would describe my work life as…
— Something I have finally come to terms with is…
— My social life has become more…
— It is surprising to others that I now…
— Most often I would describe my state-of-mind as…
— Also, I…
What is the easiest way to remember these on a daily basis?
What is one step that will move you towards each of these, however small?
Intentionally in the sentence stems above I’ve used present tense to describe an ideal future reality. When using the present tense it is easier for our limbic brain to picture what it will look and feel like to be in this future state. The more we understand the nuances of the payoff, the easier it is for our unconscious mind to orient itself towards this outcome.
In part, this is because our limbic brain cannot process language but it can process images. Even when operating in fear, anxiety or stress, our limbic brain is always firing. If it is wired towards what we do want (in addition to what we are afraid of), we are increasing the likelihood that, even when emotionally compromised, we will make choices in alignment with our goals.
I believe it is possible for your future to be much better than you are currently imagining. I invite you to give yourself permission to dream, daily.